Since the start of June, Ethos CRS has been delivering a program of writing workshops for the Fijian Ministry of Civil Service.
The program covers report and brief writing; speechwriting; writing project plans and proposals; and writing business processes. In all, we’re delivering 25 virtual workshops.
Despite an upsurge in COVID-19 in Fiji, the constraints of working from home and occasional connectivity issues, the workshops are proving to be a resounding success.
We have been thrilled by the energy and enthusiasm of around 250 participants who’ve come from every Fijian ministry, from the Prime Minister’s office and the President’s office.
For Kate Wall, who led the work of design at Ethos CRS and who has delivered many of the workshops herself, a favourite has been speechwriting.
‘As an exercise, we ask participants to write about what they are passionate about. We want to prompt thinking about the power of an emotional appeal. What it is and how speechwriters can use it as a technique to ethically persuade audiences.
‘One participant told the group how, when she was a little girl, her mother told her that turtles cry just before they die. It was something she never forgot, the participant told us, although she never knew if her mother was simply telling her a story.’
‘Our speaker reminded us – well, me – that turtles are a traditional delicacy in Fiji, often part of a feast on special occasions.
‘Not long ago, she saw a crowd gathered outside a small supermarket in Suva. She went to see what was happening. A man – maybe a fisherman – had a live turtle for sale. As he killed the turtle, our speaker told us she learnt her mother was right: turtles do cry when they die.
‘Her point was that finding a balance between traditional ways and conservation is not easy. It’s a story that is especially important – no matter where we come from and no matter our standing or status.’
For Ethos CRS, it’s been a pleasure to work with this group of professionals who have been totally unfazed by a 6:00 pm COVID-19 curfew. They have been engaged, committed and interested.
We are overwhelmed with the positive responses received from each of these workshops. Permanent Secretary for Civil Service, Ms Susan Kiran expressed her appreciation towards the Australian Government for partnering with Ethos CRS and investing in the training and upskilling of Fijian Government employees. Australian High Commissioner to the Republic of Fiji, John Feakes, also made a special mention about us on Twitter.
Over the coming weeks, we are delivering workshops on the technical subjects of writing reports, business processes and project plans.
Of course, if you would like more information about how best you can build the skills of staff to write reports, board papers or briefs, speeches, project plans or operating standards, please contact us: or 02 6247 2225.