Clear writing. Effective teams. Coherent policy.
Ethos CRS is Australia's leading firm for advice on communications, regulation, policy and leadership
We train professionals working for government, business and non-government organisations
The 2023 readability scorecard: Australian banking companies
The 2023 readability scorecard: Australian banking industry measures the readability of documents produced by Australia's largest banks.
We analysed the readability of 66 documents from 11 banks and found that banks still have some work to do if they are to engage clearly and effectively with their customers.
Read more about this project here
Download: The 2023 readability scorecard: Australian banking companies (pdf)
The readability scorecard
The Ethos CRS readability scorecard is an ongoing project to measure the readability of documents produced by different organisations in the public and private sector.
Our purpose is to highlight the importance of clear writing by measuring reading level, sentence length and use of the active voice in documents that organisations publicly release. Read more
Ethos CRS and the new digital Australian Government Style Manual
The new Australian Government Style Manual is live.
Our team co-authored the manual with the Digital Transformation Agency to produce the definitive Australian guide on writing style.
Ethos CRS international
Since the start of June 2021, Ethos CRS has been delivering a program of writing workshops for the Fijian Ministry of Civil Service.
The program covers report and brief writing; speechwriting; writing project plans and proposals; and writing business processes.

Years in business

Long-term clients

Years of training experience

Workshops delivered