1 August, 2019

Ratbags, rorts and regulation

The Big Short is a fabulous film about the global crash of 2007–2008. It stars Steve Carell as Mark, a financial dealer who is obnoxious, loud and utterly correct in his analysis of a financial market that was white-ant riddled with fraud. As […]
22 July, 2019

Be passionate about the new digital Style manual

Sometimes in life we get lucky. Something comes along that captures our imagination and interest and which aligns perfectly to the things that we’re passionate about. Generally it’s love. On this occasion, however, it’s the Commonwealth Style manual, which now […]
22 July, 2019

A eulogy and a meditation to Bob Hawke

This is a meditation on decency, humanity and grace. A eulogy to Bob Hawke who transformed Australia, helped to end apartheid in South Africa, constructed Medicare, built a modern Australian economy and believed that a winner-takes-all approach to politics created losers […]
3 March, 2019

Even Homer sometimes nods

Amid some conjecture and debate, Homer is the ancient Greek author credited with writing the epic poems The Odyssey and The Iliad. These two poems, aside from being great literature, have had a defining impact on the development of Western culture. Homer’s works […]
20 February, 2019

The importance of digitial literacy

In the 21st century, communication in the digital sphere is clearly essential and having staff trained in such space is essential. But how do you go about learning this new ‘digital literacy’? In their article Digital literacy and digital literacies, […]
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