6 August, 2021

The readability of documents in the financial sector

Something exciting and new is coming! We are going to be asking and answering the big questions. How readable are documents produced by the financial services sector? Why should readability matter to companies in the sector and customers? Are there […]
6 August, 2021

The feedback from Fiji is amazing

In our last edition of Agora, we highlighted the workshops we’re delivering for the Fijian Civil Service. Our collaboration continues. The resilience and positivity our Fijian participants have shown throughout this trying time has continued to inspire and amaze us. […]
6 July, 2021

The heartbreak of a weeping turtle

Since the start of June, Ethos CRS has been delivering a program of writing workshops for the Fijian Ministry of Civil Service. The program covers report and brief writing; speechwriting; writing project plans and proposals; and writing business processes. In […]
6 July, 2021

Thanking George Orwell

Chas Savage recently spoke at a meeting of the Public Relations Institute of Australia. His topic was George Orwell, the readability of documents produced by Australian Government agencies and why readability and clarity are still important – and not solely […]
6 July, 2021

Blackwhite and yellow – July 2021

Mr Clive Palmer is a wealthy miner who was previously elected to the Australian Parliament as a member of the House of Representatives. He also promotes anti-vaxxer propaganda, the latest of which is below. We have reprinted below the words […]
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